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L+}oad MEM.SAVE. Rename File(s) O. Change Config.F. Lock File(s) P. Set DensityG. Unlock File(s) Q. Make DirectoryH. Wr,}ite DOS Files R. Pick DirectoryI. Initialize Disk S. Set RAMdisk #J. Duplicate Disk V. Set Verify Flag  ?莼-}( 0  =Select Item ( for menu):@  =ɛL)1L,*L,:W@ ,,L=No such item!.}L*, -L*, BNeed new file name! BNo drive or director0}ies allowed in new name!Lock Unlock Delete Lock which file?â-#Unlock which file?ɢ-$((H @ AQ/wDel1}ete what file?Ѣ-!((H @ ANJ =Answer 'Y' or 'N'h `B L?;(( ~=( ~= =? =Y ?Lj.H @ AhR ?2}R)L*,LM/L-Lz-File to rename, new name? @ A(9', ȱ:>0{ ПFull directory name?Z"L.Dire3}ctory to be used as 'D:'? @ A(5)L.(I: ȱޝL*, BInvalid directory!L?( 4}(0Li-File source, destination? '( @C۩2ڭ82ܭC B9'0 @(ߍeލd(DЍ( ? 9'5} A rBȱޙ':>Ȍ(C0J* .B :'ȱ/.* #,ɛȝ:' ߰ A L?,(0L*, '6}ut(:'3?&' .'Ƚ:'?&'  .ى'Q?''(#( ~= =-->' ~=7}Q =YR_o (J(  0?B݌''BK)`''utz0( >(L0L*,L?nDisk to FORMAT:8} YA B(UTލ1 =(Press for Enhanced Dns)Type to Format Drive 2: =AIYZNj[R VL9}?L*,D2:DUP.SYSDrive to write DOS files to? YAH1:*K)2J) Z wB hpJ) 2<2U:}TC٩1ة۩کL;Source, Destination (Sectors)? YA)((9'( SA)((((( @(0% =Inser;}t both disks, type = A( A((/( B(( BDrives not compatible!J(j(9'Hi''<}h(ɛy BInvalid options! @-&& @)׍&&(&&&۩ک&&&&8* <4&&&& <4=}8*8(ܭ(ݥ2C, BNot enough memory! ک&&`(Mh  & =L?&i &>}&&&mm   =  &((&թԥԍ(Ս(((( ( ((C2((?}ՠԍ((,(0"( (( =m(m( & &("L*,  ( AL4,(, =Insert DES@}TINATION disk, press =Nͼ J) b( 0K) ?((ԭ(խ( ( (((L4Drive, new density:A} YA9'ɛ BDrive unchanged.(ު90٨Ȍ(SD  ABL)xԌҭHӭ@ @ ʎӆ@B}ӭ@@ :  $ӹ @hөԥX` Aˠ =RAM disk present? =NL#8 =xlC}on or E type RAMdisk? =Aό  L   M A, A6: ' =No extra memory available!L#8L7 & & D}& =Use default config for 0)ȩ ~= =K? =NL7 =Size(K)? ? @FjFjFjFj: =Page seqE}uence? ? @o* =RAM disk drive no? = 09) `8 -8**H***) 9 Ȋ)h9 @@ʊ F}H'h(#''/'(ɛ ? @(@: 3 ʽ' L7 =Duplicated sequence number!L7 =Wrong numbG}er of entries!L7K큅쀄 =Verify WRITEs? ; =NumberH} of File Buffers? ? @  6 Lw),R( ';L*,Drive number or : =ɛLC99L60Ȍ( =Remove I}drive? =Y =Is drive configurable? =YЂ =High capacity drive? =Yy =Is drive double sided? =Y ; =TracksJ}/side? ? @#0M P( ; =Step rate? =4/ ; ';L*, =Drive size (in sectors)? ? @H(K}h *;L*,RAM disk drive no? 8L*,Verify WRITEs? ;L*, =WNPy`(`(  LABSAVE:filename,start,end(,init(L},run)) @TUH @Cp` 2< @؆8օڊ BInvalid START-END range!۩ @  @M} hԄՠAμȌZ wB04*  0$ڍXۍY֍T׍U,0LBLB #CL?ֆ׌`Load MEM.SAV from whaN}t file? 0#L*,L?Load from what file?) @TU&̩Z wB &0&-&а&𨭼INIZ'O}RV0II BNO CARTRIDGE!Ԇխ  )L?Run from what address? ?ɛ @P} BAddress must be 1-4 hex digits! BHILV n=`hh =HH` =0{a Hɛ n= n=h` nQ}=L*, = = pHH =hh`K: p `(((( i ɀ((L?(`(B'(0!HH''^R}>I^>(`^>DH(`(HI`(o5 ~= =( B( >@A (J wB0x((HHIIDDES}E B ?(CɈK(٢A ~= =( BL>(B^>((ڤ ܝHݝI VL_>L?(" B !B J) T} B(L& R XY( ?&:0H&((& ( .( & ( .(ʩ(U}`ލD&ߍEBIʎH( V0`ԩ ؠ@ȱ@ȱ)@ BError -- 139&`$8f 3AԄձG/ V}$<68i/(Ԧ`H&եԦ&&eԅheԅԊe(iL*@&&&&ԅL*@B ? 3A?*(ɛ:W}./2SX(0ȱ/.ɛ(ލ9'ި0#:Ȱ :ފ :ȱ: : CAD CAޥX}`(eޅީe߅`(` @L\A @TUȪ: BFile name not allowed!: )  i( =0+L Y}TUD BNot a disk file!(0` =Insert SOURCE disk, press =,(pӮ(A(O  1B AB1BZ} ` % 1(L/ b(de BJKO L?O` B((*(([}(`ȱޙ((:>Ȍ(`D:`OS.SYS,DOS.SYShh =L*,  VLJ C C,pLiLF#Խ٩Յ׆ \} LB`((:>Ȍ(`D:`OS.SYS,DOS.SYShh =L*,  VLJ C C,pLiLF#Խ٩Յ׆ 3إ  ^ _UVyz yzآWDԆ膲jxY  X^}ZZZ ԭ @ E : 1 ) )ر  pL 걍ޡ뱍ߡ L Lb \UV_}  x^_ Xhhl L3  =l01!/L\ BLVԅ` ɛ T``}dҩҩҎ` 1 :  Ohh`#.= O#ɛ`{hhLp&&&&Պԅ戥La} O#ɛ"򄉩 ذ ٰ ` {hhLpȦL膄 থԥբ `A O QԤɛb}:  (#$ й` ԅՅ Ԡ` hhԍՍxZZZXHc}W(l ԅՅT v #ɛ TTT` Q\ থԥբ ` Od}Ԣ `5ȱ  '# $ ɤei`#I#` ʥ#9e}ԥբL` ʥL ʥ ᤠ蹥$ʈ` ʥ إL L ,$Y%` ʥ ȩ ʥ 楠$`A9` ʥ Of}44)Ii8L|8囅ԥLeԥiթeԅԅiՅ Ƅ` ʥ إ 楩)$` ʥ L OԢ L` Og}ԢL`(9L OԄ p ؠ#)#$ŭ0* ,$豁$)$%T h}#LVʆ ئ#)#` #譃#`$#襄#`5JJJJ{Ȧ5Ԫ{i}Ȧ` '#`Wh@؎hhh8hXLJnml +?<ƳI? 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(( 2` B/ `0 f-1 2  ,} C`0 f- + * QS L3CL *0 f- JDLA)iiŁŀLE)8倅偅$ % $ i}$ % i% 8倅偅0BDE$ H% I V JDLA) ',LE)8倅偅$ % $ i$ % i% e}e M,2 1 3 4 Lu)eeYʼnXň M,Lu)0BDE$ H% I V JDLA)LE)Load Ra}nge = $ - $oad oncatenate kip uit2 '?> *= *1 '?> *= *4 '?> *= *3 '?> *= }**( > *( 2`entry point = $init point = $ -T+1 0=0 f-1 '?> i+= }j+2 '?> g+= h+X+( >`l+1 0<0 f-1 '?> += +2 '?> += +p+( >`6,(} 2`virtual addressing set#\,( 2`load range beyond buffer, skipping,( 2 Q`L1 2 ȑ}0BDE}DD}EEHI V JD 8--( 2`not binary load file. uit oadfile loaded at} virtual $0000ii}H}I`0B1D E0 HI V`appended file1 A2 : }-( 23 $ 4 % 0 f-1 3 2 4 $ 1 % 2 `9  ?9 5 6 7 8 c.9 9 L. c.5 i5 6} i6 7 i7 8 i8 9 ֠ȱ8倅偅 "/`5 6 7 8 R@1  Y}`5 6 7 8 P1  Y`# of sectors = init address = $boot continuation = $} '?= .> .ȱii '?= /> / '?= /> / '?= /> / '?= /> /.}( >.( >/( >`9 5 : 6 7 8 Lt0 R?00000( 2`5 }6 U ?00 9 : 5 R?ee0( 2`7 8 c.5 i5 6 i6 6 05 }0!7 i7 8 i8 9 ƭ: : Lt0`address below bufferinvalid sector number9 5 : 6 7 8 L1 R?}00000( 2`5 6 U ?00 9 : 5 R?ee0(} 2`7 8 .5 i5 6 i6 6 05 0!7 i7 8 i8 9 ƭ: : L1` (P6DS; < [2i2(} 2`; 2( 2`< BfD2EJ V JD [2`2( 2` B V`P:output sent only to screenoutp}ut sent to paperoutput sent to disk B(DE%HI V` B [2l virtual addressing off  R?8倅}偅 ',`2( 2`free memory $addr range $ - $8 '?> 13= 23 '?> /3}= 03"3( 2 '?> A3= B3 '?> C3= D3 '?> I3= J3 '?> K3= L343( 2`code buffer zeroed}恦XY L43( 2`labeler compression onlabeler compression offf4f4N4(} 2`f474( 2`+find listing option reset 44( 2`D:CODEBUST.HLPno help file} Help Screen}@BĝD4EJ V 4( 2@ B V` BD4E&HI V@B(DE&HI V0(ɠ >L}K5 QL-5TTACH OOT HANGE ISPLAY NTER IND ELP IST EMORY PEN EAD END NOPENIRTUAL RITE ERO EIT LABELE}RLIST FOUND-1 LIST FOUND DISP FOUNDET UT COMPRESSV (addr) S (D,P,S)E filename O filenameR filename } % filenameB (max # of sectors)D [addr] (# of bytes)C hex or char stringL [addr] (# of instructions)F (F,A) (he}x or char pattern)G (hex sec #) (# of sec) (buff addr)P (hex sec #) (# of sec) (buff addr)W filename lo-addr hi-addr [run-}addr] [init-addr] (alt-adr)(optional), < * , X - /required>[ * , x - /optional]Valid place holders are * , X - }BD5E9HI V`gathering referencesverifying internalassigning labelsF G :G +C/ ` 9 kC EC I: kC E}C C)8( 2 C kC C D C 8" # ) 2` : ; 

R?J R?P }(= ) '?> *= +;? '?> A= B:F}:F}:FiE/ʈ` ? B(DE%HI V< &} B(DE%HI V JDL?; & B(DE%HI V JDL?``%( `詛(` = JJJJ> = )}= = ii@=  ` ?B :/B B D B C E D ` ?E )E D E E C )D B D D }8E E D D L?` B L?? eiB ` @  @`F L6@A} @ ޽'" @` N@`@ 9B C B :/B B B C @Ȍ@LS@ @`'" L@}@ @`end of buffer reached݀5@򥒅ii ?A @`iiYXЧ}@( 2`4=#- U'`8  "`  "` LB > R?ee T'}" ZB` B`need source string for changeneed address and string for changeA( 2`"A( 2` 5B }C B :/B B B C LB tB`' " tB`HH U'hh`   𩛙}  BD EJ V/ 0 ` JD B ` B V`   𩛙 0BD EJ V/ 0` JD C`0} B V`   𩛙 @BD EJ V/ 0` JD kC`@ B V`D:CODEBUST.TMPPBvDCEJ V} / JD C`P B V`@B(DE(HI V`D:CODEBUST.TMP,LW0 Cɛ P BԝDCE V JD`}@!BD E V JD`I/O error number iiإ)i0HDJJJJi0GDi0FD5D( 2`}            }             ???A}DCANDASLBCCBCSBEQBITBMIBNEBPLBRKBVCBVSCLCCLDCLICLVCMPCPXCPYDECDEXDEYEORINCINXINYJMPJSRLDALDXLDYLSRNOPORAPHAPHPPLAPLPROLRORRTI}RTSSBCSECSEDSEISTASTXSTYTAXTAYTSXTXATXSTYA ##%## ####('(((-(*!$!! }!!+)&)) )/)0201620102018070  43  5 } ,,,",,,.,, 620102018070  43  5 6 Codebuster is a delightful toolfor the experienced ATARI hacker. Itis a disassembler that will load anyDOS file into a }buffer and displaythe contents as ASCII, hex, or6502 instructions. It will write outthis same file as a binary load file.}More than one file may be loaded intothe buffer and then rewritten out asone combined file. It will read boot files, but} it won't write out boot files.Press to go on to the nextpage or enter a 'Q' to exit HELP.The next few screen}s contain theformats of the commands availablein this program. All of the commandsare entered through the standard OSinpu}t routines and thus must befollowed by pressing the key.The commands are entered as singlecharacters followed by th}e requiredand/or optional positionalparameters. All addresses must beentered in hex (hhhh). All othernumbers will be in d}ecimal (dddd).Codebuster does not check for validhex or decimal numbers.Here are all the commands available:ttach,} oot, hange, isplay, nter,ind, elp, ist, emory, pen, ead,end, nopen, irtual, rite, eit,ero, labels, comp}ress, lister options, et utPlace holders * , -Filenames do not need the "D:".ttach labels to the disassemb}ly.AThis will turn on the label attachinglogic. Entering the command a secondtime will turn it off. However thelabels }must first be ntered.Read the oot file.B ddddThe decimal number is the max numberof sectors to load. If none iss}pecified all the sectors in the bootfile will be loaded.hange memoryC hhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhorC hhhh 'abScef}gh...'Change the contents of memory at hhhhto the hex string or the ASCIIstring. Remember you will be changinga virtual }address which should relateto a section of code in the codebuffer. You can change memoryanywhere in the machine so becare}ful. Using a place holder in theaddress will change memory at thelast found address.isplay the contents of memory.D} hhhh ddddDisplay memory at address hhhh forthe next dddd bytes. This will be avirtual memory address unless a isenter}ed to turn off virtualaddressing. If only a 'D' is enteredthe next default number of bytes willbe displayed. A place holde}r may beused for the address to change thedefault number of bytes withoutchanging the address.nter the label file.}E filename.extEnter the standard named DOS file tobe used to build a table for thelabel attacher. Each entry must havea }$ to start the hex value.LABEL = $hhhh ;commentsorLABEL EQU $hhhh ;commentsThe labels will be placed at the endof }the program moving the user codebuffer up in memory. If you werelooking at some code it will be over-written and the virtu}al addressingwill be incorrect.ind a stringF (F,A) hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhorF (F,A) 'abcdefghijThe second F tells c}odebuster to findthe first occurance in the codebuffer. If it is not specified thenext occurance will be searched for.The} A requests codebuster to start atthe front of the buffer and find ALLoccurances of the string. When theend of the buffer }is reached amessage is printed and the findpointer is reset to the front of sectors from the diskG hhh}h dddd hhhhGet dddd sectors starting with sectorhhhh (first hhhh) and put them atvirtual address (second hhhh). If noadd}ress is given put sectors atbottom of code buffer. If no count ofsectors is given get 1. If no sectoris given get the firs}t machine language code.L hhhh ddddList machine language code beginningat hex hhhh for the next ddddin}structions. If the number ofinstructions is entered it becomesthe new default. The standard defaultis a full screen (21). }If only an 'L'is entered the next default number ofinstructions will be listed. A placeholder may be used in the addressf}ield to change the default withoutchanging the address.Display the emory location and thesize of the user code buffer}.MThis probably is of little use to youbut it helped me during developmentand I didn't have the heart to takeit out.}pen the listing disk file.O filename.extThis is the file where all output canbe sent with the end command. Thefil}e must be opened before issuinga isplay or ist command with sendpointing to the disk. Once it is openyou may leave it op}en and end theoutput to the screen or the disk.When you are done you must close(nopen) the file before output canbe sen}t to another file. Many otherscreen messages will go to this filelike the boot file record and binaryload file load ranges }.ut sectors to the diskP hhhh dddd hhhhPut dddd sectors starting at sectorhhhh (first hhhh) from the virtualaddres }s (second hhhh). If no addressis given put sectors from the bottomof the code buffer. If no count ofsectors is given put 1 }. If no sectoris given put to the first sector.ead a binary load file into memory.R filename.extAs each block of b }inary load file isencountered the program will promptyou for a response. This allows youto skip, load, or concantenatecer }tain portions of a binary file. Arange that is loaded is placed at thebottom of the buffer. If you load asecond load range} it will overwritethe first and the virtual addressingwill be set to that of the secondload range.You may also concan}tenate a loadrange if it will fit in the buffer.A concantenated load rangewill be placed in the bufferaccording to the vi}rtual addresssetting.For example if the front of thebuffer was set to virtual address$5000 and you tried to concantenate}a load range of $4000 Codebusterwould not allow you to because thatwould place the load range belowthe buffer in the prog}ram area.The address could also be to high.That is beyond the top of free RAM.end output to screen, printer, diskS }Dend output to the open disk file.S Pend output to the printer.S Send output to the screen only.This cancels }end printer and enddisk.Output can be sent to the printer andthe disk at the same time.This entire help file may be} printedby ending it to the printer.nopen the listing disk file.UThis file must be closed in order tosave anythi}ng written to it beforeleaving CODEBUSTER. If you leave withan eit it will close this file foryou, but if you just system} reset thefile will be lost. Sorry about thesilly name. I needed the "C" for thechange function.Set irtual addressin}g.V hhhhIf a "V" is entered by its selfvirtual addressing will be turned offand you will be looking at realaddresses. }If an address is enteredthe start of the code buffer can bereferenced by the address you gave.It is like relocating code }inmemory. The program starts up withvirtual turned off, or in real mode.rite binary fileW filename.ext lo-addr hi-a}ddr run-addr init-addr alt-addrThis command will create a binaryload file from the code buffer. Youmust specify the st}art and end of theblock of memory to write. You mayspecify an alternate address(changing the virtual address will dothe s}ame thing). Either run and orinit addresses may be specified.Place holding characters may be usedon run-addr and init-addr}.eit the CODEBUSTER.XThis will close the listing file andreturn you to DOS.ero out the user code buffer.Z}This will zero out all of theaddresses specified in the emorycommand. When looking at a section ofcode the zeros will he }lp identifywhere the code ends. invoke the internal label processor% filename.extThe input file is an assembly lis!}tingfrom CODEBUSTER. Create the file bypening a listing file, listing somecode and nopening the listing file.Then give "}the label processorthe file name The labeler willgather up all references and then verify which ones are internal andconv#}ert all internal addresses tolabels. All undefined opcodes areconverted to AMAC DB commands. Toggle the compress opti$}on@This will place MEDIT tab charactersin and shorten the the output fromthe labeler. It is a space savingfeature.%}Lister options list found address - 1 list found address display found addressWhen "finding" ASCII or hex strings&}these options determine how to tellyou where the string is. The addessmay be displayed or listed. Listingminus one will al'}low you to see theinstruction that is associated withimmediate values or addresses ininstructions. Listing or displayingt(}he address found allows you to seeASCII strings or assemblerinstructions.This program is public domain andtherefore f)}ree for the giving and getting. My best wishes to allfellow hackers.Don't forget - Who ya gonna call .... *} `````````````` `` `Ҡ` `` `````````````` xCodebuster is a delightful tool for the experienced ATARI hacker. It is a disassembler that will load any DOS file into a buf,}fer and display the contents as ASCII, hex, or 6502 instructions. It will write out this same file as a binary load file. Mor-}e than one file may be loaded into the buffer and then rewritten out as one combined file.It will read boot files, but it wo.}n't write out boot files.Press 'RETURN' to go on to the next page or enter a 'Q' to exit HELP.The next few screens cont/}ain the formats of the commands available in this program. All of the commands are entered through the standard OS input rout0}ines and thus must be followed by pressing the 'RETURN' key. The commands are entered as single characters followed by the re1}quired and/or optional positional parameters. All addresses must be entered in hex (hhhh). All other numbers will be in decim2}al (dddd). Codebuster does not check for valid hex or decimal numbers.Here are all the commands available: (A)ttac3}h, (B)oot, (C)hange, (D)isplay, (E)nter (F)ind, (H)elp, (L)ist, (M)emory, (O)pen, (R)ead (S)end, (U)nopen, (V)irtua4}l, (W)rite, e(X)it (Z)ero, (%)labels, (@)compress, (-=+)lister options (G)et (P)utPlace holders * , -Filenam5}es do not need the "D:".(A)ttach labels to the disassembly.AThis will turn on the label attaching logic. Entering the6} command a second time will turn it off. However the labels must first be (E)ntered.Read the (B)oot file.B ddddThe de7}cimal number is the max number of sectors to load. If none is specified all the sectors in the boot file will be loaded.(8}C)hange memoryC hhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhorC hhhh 'abScefgh...'Change the contents of memory at hhhh to the hex stri9}ng or the ASCII string. Remember you will be changing a virtual address which should relate to a section of code in the code :}buffer. You can change memory anywhere in the machine so be careful. Using a place holder in the address will change memory a;}t the last found address.(D)isplay the contents of memory.D hhhh ddddDisplay memory at address hhhh for the next dddd<} bytes. This will be a virtual memory address unless a (V) is entered to turn off virtual addressing. If only a 'D' is entere=}d the next default number of bytes will be displayed. A place holder may be used for the address to change the default number>} of bytes without changing the address.(E)nter the label file.E filename.extEnter the standard named DOS file to be u?}sed to build a table for the label attacher. Each entry must have a $ to start the hex value.LABEL = $hhhh ;comments or @}LABEL EQU $hhhh ;commentsThe labels will be placed at the end of the program moving the user code buffer up in memory. If A}you were looking at some code it will be over-written and the virtual addressing will be incorrect.(F)ind a stringF (F,B}A) hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh or F (F,A) 'abcdefghijThe second F tells codebuster to find the first occurance in the code buffer.C} If it is not specified the next occurance will be searched for. The A requests codebuster to start at the front of the buffeD}r and find ALL occurances of the string. When the end of the buffer is reached a message is printed and the find pointer is rE}eset to the front of the buffer.(G)et sectors from the diskG hhhh dddd hhhhGet dddd sectors starting with sector hhhh F}(first hhhh) and put them at virtual address (second hhhh). If no address is given put sectors at bottom of code buffer. If nG}o count of sectors is given get 1. If no sector is given get the first sector.(L)ist machine language code.L hhhh ddddH}List machine language code beginning at hex hhhh for the next dddd instructions. If the number of instructions is entered itI} becomes the new default. The standard default is a full screen (21). If only an 'L' is entered the next default number of inJ}structions will be listed. A place holder may be used in the address field to change the default without changing the addressK}.Display the (M)emory location and the size of the user code buffer.MThis probably is of little use to you but it heL}lped me during development and I didn't have the heart to take it out.(O)pen the listing disk file.O filename.extThisM} is the file where all output can be sent with the (S)end command. The file must be opened before issuing a (D)isplay or (L)iN}st command with send pointing to the disk. Once it is open you may leave it open and (S)end the output to the screen or the dO}isk. When you are done you must close/(U)nopen the file before output can be sent to another file. Many other screen messagesP} will go to this file like the boot file record and binary load file load ranges.(P)ut sectors to the diskP hhhh dddd hhQ}hhPut dddd sectors starting at sector hhhh (first hhhh) from the virtual address (second hhhh). If no address is given put R}sectors from the bottom of the code buffer. If no count of sectors is given put 1. If no sector is given put to the first secS}tor.(R)ead a binary load file into memory.R filename.extAs each block of binary load file is encountered the program T}will prompt you for a response. This allows you to skip, load, or concantenate certain portions of a binary file. A range thaU}t is loaded is placed at the bottom of the buffer. If you load a second load range it will overwrite the first and the virtuaV}l addressing will be set to that of the second load range.You may also concantenate a load range if it will fit in the buW}ffer. A concantenated load range will be placed in the buffer according to the virtual address setting.For example if the fX}ront of the buffer was set to virtual address $5000 and you tried to concantenate a load range of $4000 Codebuster would not Y}allow you to because that would place the load range below the buffer in the program area. The address could also be to high.Z} That is beyond the top of free RAM.(S)end output to screen, printer, diskS D(S)end output to the open disk file.S[} P(S)end output to the printer.S S(S)end output to the screen only. This cancels (S)end printer and (S)end disk.Out\}put can be sent to the printer and the disk at the same time.This entire help file may be printed by (S)ending it to the pr]}inter.(U)nopen the listing disk file.UThis file must be closed in order to save anything written to it before leaving^} CODEBUSTER. If you leave with an e(X)it it will close this file for you, but if you just system reset the file will be lost._} Sorry about the silly name. I needed the "C" for the change function.Set (V)irtual addressing.V hhhhIf a "V" is ente`}red by its self virtual addressing will be turned off and you will be looking at real addresses. If an address is entered thea} start of the code buffer can be referenced by the address you gave. It is like relocating code in memory. The program startb}s up with virtual turned off, or in real mode.(W)rite binary fileW filename.ext lo-addr hi-addr run-addr init-addr alc}t-addrThis command will create a binary load file from the code buffer. You must specify the start and end of the block of d}memory to write. You may specify an alternate address (changing the virtual address will do the same thing). Either run and oe}r init addresses may be specified. Place holding characters may be used on run-addr and init-addr.e(X)it the CODEBUSTER.f}XThis will close the listing file and return you to DOS.(Z)ero out the user code buffer.ZThis will zero out all ofq}F#DOS SYSF6'DUP SYSF0]DEBUG COMFDEBUG DOCFQCODEBUSTCOMFGCODEBUSTHLPFH+CODEHELPDOCF7}SUPRDEBGCOMFBSYNASSEMCOMFdQUICKASMCOMFbZDISKDISSCOMFOMEDIT F AMAC F|MEDITCM BAS the addresses specified in the (M)emory command. When looking at a section of code the zeros will help identify where the cor}de ends.(%) invoke the internal label processor% filename.extThe input file is an assembly listing from CODEBUSTER. Cs}reate the file by (O)pening a listing file, listing some code and (U)nopening the listing file. Then give the label processort} the file name The labeler will gather up all references and then verify which ones are internal and convert all internal addu}resses to labels. All undefined opcodes are converted to AMAC DB commands.(@) Toggle the compress option@This will plv}ace MEDIT tab characters in and shorten the the output from the labeler. It is a space saving feature.Lister options(-)w} list found address - 1(=) list found address(+) display found addressWhen "finding" ASCII or hex strings these options x}determine how to tell you where the string is. The addess may be displayed or listed. Listing minus one will allow you to seey} the instruction that is associated with immediate values or addresses in instructions. Listing or displaying the address fouz}nd allows you to see ASCII strings or assembler instructions.This program is public domain and therefore free for the giv{}ing and getting. My best wishes to all fellow hackers.Don't forget - Who ya gonna call .... ***********|}*** * * * CODEBUSTER * * * ************** ***********h@G7&-(@/@˄ͩTΩ̢XˑPQRS`@V7V`pp~88<~ 0~ p@ y MODNP}MTLAKLJSIUHCGZFKE*DOC=B@A<@>?B>?=Hex.Podaj liczbe: P }B gPB DE J g RXeP͊' 6ԭ - pԭ 멛 p}`BTT冀 phhhh 멛 p0Uŏ1Ő0101  ԢM})Ң B g ҩ<Ӎө2ҢL0 冀 p L****))`PBDE(HILgDE}M p`JiBDEHIK gH0BDEHI g BLg@ ` @}` @`D1:*.*@SɊ!L 0 LX LL` ` ɛ`ɛLH) ph`}H IȊJJJJ Ih`)i0:i`HʠՄȊ J ӕh`80`$-PH($}0: AGL```8 6  ԅՅ`P 6 멹ꥄ  pԥ U: p}  4 p p pU: p  ɛ. p: piiLI冀 pL0冀 p}L0n 6 륂 L0(} 6 yT%   67  L pL0 6 멛 pԥ } U ԩ U? p  Ԡ  eiL 6 멹ꥄ } pԥ U p y~ ƂƃL p ꦀLˢ 6 Ѣ 6  Q 6HԽ}I 6ꥅԩ 멛 pL0 6  6  ԍՍѢ 6  QL-@ #@9#@%#C}# ##@##(@'C(((@,(@)!@$C!}! !@!@*8@&C88 8@.8/1/0@@}51/0/1/0@7/@6/  @3@2  @@4 @}@ @++@+@"+++@-++_ 6 멹}ꥄ ꩛ pԥ U  4 p p p 񪽅} e=U' p p ɛ. p' pU? p? p? pLJ)) eJJJ) eUL#Ɔ}  4 p p pUL  4 p pUL#PL HDɀ$8包8包iiL#}iiee䄀 p p p儀 p$ԥ 릋儀 p}eiL 6BDEHIJ g0>BDE(HI g0 6UiU&} pL B gL0 pI 01L0䥏01L0 pI  L0䥕 L0 > 6 멛 p  }LOEN DL0䆀 LO L}  A L #ȹ(ȹ$ ʊi,X) L),}Y L,X L, Y)Ș$ 0rp XL LLO}   ŗŘ$ŗŘJ 6Lv恆Ff8}ԅԥՅեIȥԑ ȥԑȥՑ p pqL[ 6Ѣ 6 DEb 6 yTN} r 6ԭ  6ԭ 멛 pL0# 6  = p$/$ pԅ 4 p p} 4 p p pL0 멛 pL04 6R L) WWG 6! _ 6}} yA BL) k 6 yAB p w 6  ԍlՍq 6  ԅՅ p}   " 6 ԭ   6ii i  i ƛƚФL0$} 6WL( 6  ԅՅ2 6  ԅՅ9 6  ԅՅUeeō CŌ:; } 捥ŚԥśL0䥂eeƃƂʈ  ƃƂƍƌ}ƛƚL0w䍟L 6 Ӣ 6  ԅƌՅ 6  L 6 4} p p p⩛ p + ĉ󥂅ԥՄ p 뤜Șeeōł pL00}BG  LL``` 8ԥ`0 ` `d 'Ԇխɛ}ɛ0 :'8`ʠ0 Lr0 0`yBԥyG`` `d 'ԆխɛLR'SP0 P  ٦ d ^} P *Lκ : > A,ʆ ƭ ~ LlLo ՜L > ȝ㥌ݥő }L㣩 <0i詁膐  8襹;Ŕ}啰qƴ `kLo <I0 ȝ襌` Q f *`;\ : RORnfjv~SBCSTA}STXSTYXMC,*mȭm 8 & J򤑭ɛƑLԫ8fL+ }DEHIB V  LLh H)` LLʜL   }8譓鐜 Ŕ啰2͎88}ƵƴŲ峐 Ƶƴ    ` 󫭌}L i `˅̅L٦ i `˅̅` i `ˍ̍` i `˅إ̅L >`Lʜ v }쥕&Hȥeȥehe`oLo  &щĆei`e `}` >Υͥͅ΅V t t t ^,ͅ΅ ^ͥͥ 8L` } …L Ү CP    ee  L@) @`5 Ү C 짠8嫑ȥ}LP@0  ` ``Lʜ i <ʩV >ݩ ,  ŀ`8`HH BHI hh`"  0 `0L JC, } ` ˍ̍L 'L8` `LhLʜ ,  `ˍ̍, `ˍ̍} IL L@ +L SC썄퍅 IL S7C0 8}譃 'LLkLhL'H " / <੢DE}hJKBLL BL `ୂDEHIBLੀDEHI B }DEHI BL V0`Lh8cͅ@ Lȱ@ֱ@ `System confused@}SynAssemb}ler (c) SYNAPSE SOFTWAREadapted by Steve Hales from theS-C Assembler II Ver/4.0 @ --- Symbol table ---@*** @ erro}r@Source program: $@ Symbol table: $@Memory protected@Memory full@Syntax@Label not found@Bad instruction@Out of range@Dup}licate label@Bad address@Undefined label@Bad symbol@Local out of range@No normal label@Nested include file@Ok.@ Source leng}th: $@Synapse monitor@Can't hide@Can't merge@@@@File type mismatch@Break abort@@Nonexistent device@@@@@@@@Device time-out@De}vice NAK@@@@@Device done@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Drive number@@Disk full@@@File name@@File locked@@Directory full@File not found@JJJ}J)`ؤ 3 'بJ jɢ )JA S)ܘ) JJJ Ȉ` \H v )Ȑhݹ߷ީ&*}i? 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(Y/N) ^0-@@#0 COPYRIGHT 1981, ATARIh B@r 4Y B| 0N  A`}!!WHAT EXTENSION GROUP PROMPT }.-@ @. WHAT EXTENSION GROUP.-@ @. (0-3 chars o}r '?') ! 6.?6-@! B04?B?6.D1:MEDIT&67B:,%@,.?67B:,%@,..ECF} A @@-@)@ 68,-& 0@: AD} BN@X }b2-@ @2 Ǡ̠l)-@@) --please wait--}v-@" 68,-  BP55114,128,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0::0,0,0,0,0,}0,0,0,0,0,0,64,3,40,128,128,148,10,100,128MAIN MENUNN0@P:8@9,'@,8@9,&+P:8@9,'@},$@,@@0@8@@,&+P:8@@,'@,$@, }-@@"" WHAT WOULD YOU L}IKE TO DO?   ** "A. SAVE PARAMETERS & RETURN TO DOS## B. SAVE PARAMETERS & RE-RUN ,, $C. FORGET PARAMETERS }& RETURN TO DOS%% D. FORGET PARAMETERS & RE-RUN  * E. SET TAB STOPS4"" F. SET MAXIMUM LINE LENGTH> G}. SET GROWTH FACTORH H. SET DEFAULT MARGINSR I. SET COLOR OF SCREEN\"" J. SET MISCELLANEOUS FLAGSf   p}((  Enter letter of choice (A-J)z6-@ B  }WWAA A0A@APA`}ApAAB%%SAVE PARAMETERS & RETURN TO DOS B0.SAVE PARAMTERS & RE-RUN }B0% &&FORGET PARAMTERS & RETURN TO DOS .FORGET PARAMTERS & RE-RUN%SET& CLEAR TABSTOPS4 }}-@ @4 SET & CLEAR TABSTOPS-@@,, $You can set or clear both space tabs-- %and exp}anding tabs. The Program-Text++ #Editor does not allow you to change,, $tab stops during an editing session.++ #}You can set or clear tab stops past((  the current maximum line length. Bp }-@@!! Th}e default tabstops are:++ #9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65,73,81,89,97,  105,113-@@!! The current tab}stops are:(-@@1267<,.>:8@%,,< F6-@P6-?:C:, A@SET MARGINSJ3 }-@@3 SET DEFAULT MARGINST-@@}^** "You can set left and right marginsh,, $during an editing session. Use thisr)) !feature if your TV should cut} off|** "columns on the left or right edge.++ #These settings may be overridden by$$ commands in the Editor. The}((  following rule must be followed: $$  ͠͠ ((  The defaults are LM=3 and RM=}40.   55 "The current left margin value is 8@5,55 "The current right margin value is 8@6, }(( (1-RM) The new left margin is  B4A0 6-A:, 08@6,)"& B0 A} 68@5,-& ))  (LM-40) The new right margin is 0  B4A: 6-A:,D 0!@@)8@5},& B0 A@N 68@6,-X A(#SET COLOR OF SCREEN2#6-P:8@9,'@,<#226-8@9},&+P:8@9,'@,$@,F#226-8@@,&+P:8@@,'@,$@,P#6-Z#4 }-@@}4 SET COLOR OF SCREEN.d#-@@n#,, $You can choose a specific backgroundx#,, $color for your editing ses}sion. Use#++ #this feature to identify the set of#** "custom parameters in effect or for#'' aesthetic value. Thre}e factors#)) !determine the screen color. They# are:# #'' 1) color of background (color),#,, $2) luminan}ce of background (B LUM), #++ #3) luminance of characters (C LUM).#. . #Remember that luminance values must# be} even integers.# Bp#C }-@@C #Certain rules must be followed when$&& when choosing screen c}olor and$)) !luminance values; for more infor-$((  mation, consult the Program-Text"$ Editor manual.,$ 6$ }The default color is 9.@$ The default B LUM is 4.J$ The default C LUM is 10.T$   ^$,( The current value for }color is , h$,( The current value for B LUM is , r$,( The current value for C LUM is , |$   $!}A$!! (0-15) The new color is $ B4A$ 6-A:,$#!@ B# Ap$ 6-}$!@A$"" (0-14e) The new B lum is $ B4A$ 6-A:,$6-@$#!@} B# A0$0P:'@,$@& B0 A0% 6-%"" (0-14e) The new C lum is % B}4A`&% 6-A:,0%6-@:%#!@ B# AD%0P:'@,$@& B0 A}N% 6-X% 6.b%- "-6. B lum can not equal C luml%9+&@,"96. B lum - 8 can not equal C lumv}%9+&@,"96. C lum - 8 can not equal B lum%II68@9,-+$@,%+8@9,&+P:8@9,'@,$@},,%0AP%0068@9,-P:8@9,'@,$@%%68@@,-% A%? }-@@}? ̠ŠΡ%-@@ %--@@ - (see Editor manual)% BP%}6-@% A`'SET MISCELLANEOUS FLAGS' }-@@$' SET MISCELLANEOUS FLAGS.'-@}@8' A. RETURN TO MAIN MENUB' L'-- %B. SET SPACE TAB/EXPANDING TAB OPTIONV'!! C. SET TAB DISPLAY METHOD`'&}& D. SET CARRIAGE RETURN DISPLAYj'%% E. SET AUTO-INDENTION FEATUREt')) !F. SET UPPERCASE/LOWERCASE OPTION~'   ''}'  Enter letter of choice (A-F) '6-@ B '77BB B0B@BPB`*RETU}RN TO MAIN MENU+ A.((SET SPACE TAB/EXPANDING TAB OPTION.> }-@> SET SPACE/EXPANDING TAB O}PTION. .&& Two types of tabs exist in the/++ #Program-Text Editor: space tabs and/'' expanding tabs. Space ta}bs are/,, $exactly as in the screen editor (E:)&/-- %in that they insert blanks in all the0/%% unused area between ta}bstops.:/++ #Expanding tabs insert an actual tabD/++ #character that serves to occupy allN/-- %the unused area between }tabstops. IfX/,, $text is added or deleted in front ofb/'' an expanding tab character, thel/++ #unused occupied area }will shrink orv/'' expand. Not all ATARI/-- %software recognizes the expanding tab/ feature./ /,,} $The default is for space tabs ('S')./   / The current value is/6.'EXPANDING TABS'/+8@,!A'}+6. 'SPACE TABS'/ /) ) (S or E) The new setting is ?/ B@/4B/4SB#0 }0E  B"` 0"68@,-" B0"68@,-A(" B2##SET MENU - TAB DISPLAY METHOD}22 }-@@2 TAB DISPLAY METHOD2-@@2-- %The Editor displays expanding tabs as2((  ei}ther spaces of right-triangles2)) !followed by periods. For conven-3-- %ience use spaces for viewing text and3** "t}he visual display character as an3,, $aid in editing. This setting can be"3,, $overridden by an immediate keystroke,3} in the Editor.63 @3** "The default is for right-trianglesJ3 ('R').T3   ^3 The current value is h36}.'RIGHT TRIANGLES'r3'8@7, A('6.'SPACES'|3 3( ( (S or R) The new value is ?3 B@3}4B34SB2P3 0R  B23"68@7,-A(" B3"68@7,-" B}600SET MENU - HOW TO DISPLAY CARRAIGE RETURNS6> }-@@> CARRIAGE RETURN DISPLAY METHOD6-@}@6,, $The Editor displays carriage returns6)) !as either spaces or a down-arrow.6'' For convenience, use spa}ces for6++ #viewing text and the visual display6-- %character as an aid in editing. This7'' setting can be overrid}den by an 7** "immediate keystroke in the Editor.7 7-- %The default is for down-arrows ('D').(7   27 The cu}rrent value is <76. 'DOWN-ARROWS'F7'8@8, A('6.'SPACES'P7 Z7' ' (S or D) The new value is ?}d7 B@n74Bx74SBB07 0D  BA7"68@8,-A(" B7"68@8},-" B:))SET MENU - AUTO-INDENTATION FEATURE:6 }-@@6 AUTO-INDENTION FEATURE:-@}@:-- %The ATARI EDITOR can be set to enable:// &or disable the auto-indention feature.:,, $Auto-indention }is used for languages: such as PASCAL.: :'' The default is to enable ('E').:   : The old setting was} ;6. 'DISABLE';'8@B,!A''6.'ENABLE'; $;) ) (D or E) The new setting is ?.; B@8;}4BB;4DBRL; 0E  BQPV;"68@B,-A(" B`;"68@B,-" B}>SET STARTING CASELOCK>1 }-@@1 STARTING CASELOCK>-@@>,, $The ATARI EDITOR }can be set to start>++ #the editing session in a shift-lock>'' (for uppercase) or no-lock (for>((  upper- and lower}case) condition.>&& This starting selection can be>-- %overridden while editing by using the> CAPS-LOWER key.>} >,, $The default is for SHIFT-LOCK ('S').>   ? The old setting was  ?6. SHIFT-LOCK?&8@4,"}&6.NO-LOCK ? *?( ( (S or N) The new setting is 4? B@>?4BH?4SBb0R? 0N}  Ba\?"68@4,-" Bf?"68@4,-@d" B NPRINT INSTRUCTIONS*N }-@}@4N  INSTRUCTIONS>N-@@HN-- %The EDITOR CUSTOMIZING MANAGER allowsRN-- %you to tailor the Pr}ogram-Text Editor\N** "to your personal preferences. ThefN)) !Editor reads special files in thepN-- %form 'MEDITxxx.EC}F', where xxx is thezN-- %file extension designation. Reply toN,, $the 'WHAT EXTENSION GROUP' prompt byN,, $entering} the zero to three characterN extension 'xxx.'N BpN }N-@@N++ #You can change the fol}lowing items:N N&& TABSTOPS - setting or clearingN"" LINE LENGTH LIMIT (2-200)N FILE GROWTH FACTORN }DEFAULT SCREEN MARGINSN COLOR OF SCREENO MISCELLANEOUS FLAGSO%%  space tabs/expanding tabsO""  expa}nding tabs display$O##  carriage return display.O  auto-indention8O  uppercase/lowercaseBO BpL}O }VO-@@ `O"" Now that you have read thejO** "instructions, would you still liketO++ #to continue t}his program ? (Y or N)~O B@O 4N.O 0Y  BPO ARRETRY INPUT SETUP ROUTINER  } R -&R$U GET MENU KEYSTROKE ROUTINEU B@V"2A)3Z " B V6-@:,&@dV } !  B "V$YSAVE PARAMETERSY B0Y @@Y-@Z 6-8,  }Z*@Z Z@(Z$2Z B:,^ 4)4$^&@:,A(&6.>:@:,&A(,$}^%1a*/z%6.>:@:,&@2,.^$8^@B^ B@aDELAY SUBROUTINEa-@Aa a}$eTAB MAP ROUTINEe6-P:'@,e6-8@%,e6-&P:$@,e6-P:+@#,%?P,e6-?:C}:,<<,e 6-"6-&e!6-"!6-@e$xi))TOUCH SPACE-BAR TO CONTINUE ROUTINEi-@}